Service #1

We support manufacturing companies to integrate a continuous improvement process reliable and with high value added, considering industrial context with harsh competitiveness and fast change.

Service #2

Setup simple and practical solution to improve production and quality performance tailored to the particularity of industrial partner.

Service #3

We support industrial companies in the development of new parts: UPPAP, FAIR, CMM program approach.

Our Know-How

Finding production process weakness where energy needs to be focused

Setup a shop floor daily problem analysis system and establish corrective action follow-up

Visual shop: production and Quality Performance indicators

Key indicator to display on the shop floor: Plant and cell display board


Assistance for the development of new parts on the quality side: FAIR, CMM Programing approach

Supplier performance indicators: Delivery and Quality

Generic documentation to answer UPAPP Pratt and Whitney requirements

Value Stream Mapping

SMED (Single minute exchange of die)

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